Have You Or Someone You Love Had Cataracts?

What if you were blind and no one helped?

In Sierra Leone children, teens, and adults can have cataracts or a parasite called river blindness. When you’re blind you become homeless and have to beg, only to die in the streets!

Over 100,000 people, young and old in Sierra Leone are blind due to cataracts or a parasite called river blindness!
Cataract SQ

I’m Doug Hewitt, the owner of Rug Pad Wizard, and my own eye surgeon, Lloyd B. Williams, MD, PhD, Founder and Chairman of Help Mercy needs our help to perform as many cataract surgeries as possible on his mission trips.

For the holiday in lieu of a gift, we are contributing to the Help Mercy Foundation.  We’ve included a link below that will allow you to continue support in the future.

Please join us in curing blindness in babies, elderly, and many, many others in Sierra Leone.

You Can Save One Person’s Sight

If each of you contributed just $.01/yd for your purchases, together we could offer over $10,000 of help.

Click To Donate Now
Cataract SQ
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You can contribute through Help Mercy International© by visiting their website at helpmercy.com.
Help Mercy International© 2017, Salt Lake City, Utah 84121 – Lloyd.williams@gmail.com. (781) 866-1645
Contribute a portion of your ARCS rebate at the end of the year. Ask us how.
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Use Smile.Amazon.com for a charitable contribution from Amazon’s sales. Select HelpMercy.com as your choice.
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